Our contribution to environmental protection

Sustainability must be observed and practiced from the outset in every part of the company and at every stage of production and service by everyone involved. Benchmark for permanently successful approaches are economic feasibility, concretely verifiable successes and acceptance within the workforce.

As a group of companies active in various trades, we rely on proven technology approaches in the respective areas, sustainable procurement and employee commitment.


  • KÖRTING KG Trade-Transport-Management

    (Founded 1961, Moschheim)

    • As few sealed surfaces as possible on the company premises
    • 1994  Purchase of extensively used compensation areas in the local area
    • 1995  Water: 6m³ rainwater storage for the use of surface water.
    • 2005  Lighting: Upgrade to LED.
    • 2007  Electricity: first photovoltaic system - test phase.
    • 2010  Heating: modernizing insulation of buildings according to energy aspects.

    • 2011  Electricity: use of green power.
    • 2013  Heating: Conversion hybrid generation with oil/wood/solar, saving >50%.
    • 2013  Electricity: Expansion of photovoltaics with self-consumption.
    • 2020  Mobility: Installation of e-car charging station, exclusively with electricity from own generation.
    • 2021  Electricity: Expansion of photovoltaics with energy storage, self-sufficiency rate over 90%.
    • 2022  Trivalent heating system with oil, wood and air heat pump heating for our offices.
    • 2023  Installation of further 133 solar cells with a total output of 54.53 kWp.

  • DREAM LINE GmbH Mattresses & slatted frames

    (Founded 1997, Moschheim)

    • Designing only long-lasting quality products.
    • since 1998  Production and marketing of mattresses and slatted frames in the region for the region.
    • since 2016  Use of sustainable raw materials such as Seaqual™ for a mattress cover with 30% recycled polyester from the sea.
    • Use of sustainable logistics concepts to minimize environmental contamination.

  • WWL Westerwaldlogistik GmbH Regional logistician postcode 4/5/6

    (Founded 2018, Moschheim)

    Our company concept is sustainable regional logistics and replaces many heavy truck trips in our region every week.

    Fleet flexible from 3.5t to 40t, the vehicle size used is oriented to the cargo volume, thus always maximum use of possible loading and minimum possible environmental impact.

    High synergy and environmental protection effects through product group specialization and coupling of several shippers to one recipient.

    Employee training / driver training with a focus on safety and awareness of resource consumption/environmental protection, regular feedback sessions.

    Sustainable use of resources such as trucks, trailers, containers and operating equipment according to the principle of repair before new acquisition, no use of short-lived leasing variants.

    • since 2019  E-bike as company bicycle
    • since 2020  E-Golf as company car

    Further measures such as public charging stations, the purchase of e-transporters and e-trucks, and the additional use of heat pumps in company buildings are being planned and will be implemented if feasible.